Thursday, March 4, 2010

Some call it "Road Rage", I call it a reasonable reaction to annoying people.

Driving is good, I enjoy it, going the speed limit.  APPARANTLY I have road rage. but NO. I just HATE getting stuck behind those annoying people who drive 40-50 in a 60 zone! GO THE LIMIT. People want to get where they're going, okay.  Sometimes I just want to go knock on their window and say : hey, bud, you can go 60 here so.. GO 60!!!!  On my way to Co-op I ALWAYS seem to get stuck behind someone, at least once, going under the limit. it drives me insaneeeee.  I can understand if it's like snowy, or icy, or even rainy.. but when it's a beautiful day out, sun is shining, clear skies.. GO THE LIMIT.  Another one that annoys me.. when they don't signal before changing lanes right in front of you. it's like: OKAY do you WANT me to hit you?  Or when they can't make up their mind where they're going, one way, then no they don't want to turn, then oh yes they do. okay cool. KNOW YOUR ROUTE. It's a basic rule I learned in driving school, and SHOULD be common sense. but whatever. I'll just continue my silent road rage from inside my car - I don't actually yell at anyone or honk or whatever, just talk to myself.  or yell quietly (oxymoron k) in my car.

The end of this Rant.  I guess Rant #1?

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