Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Snowboarding.. or whiping out?

Okay! So, Sunday I went snowboarding at Searchmont (the local ski hill, which is awesome btw).  I've been snowboarding for about 5 or 6 years now, and love it.  Before that, though, I skied for many years (age 4 - 12) so I also know how to ski, just don't enjoy it as much.  ANYWAYS. I love snowboarding, and when I snowboard I mostly go for speed, like racing, I would LOVE to get into snowboard racing!  But I've never been big on jumps.  I generally understand the concept of how to go off a jump, I just don't try, because I'm kinda scared of breaking bones haha.  So yeah, speed + racing = good, jumps = bad.  BUT Sunday, I had the strange urge to try to go off a jump (man-made), the one I chose is about a meter, maybe a meter and a half, tall.  So not HUGE olympic-sized, but still large.  My younger brother, Lachlan, went off first, because he does that kind of thing often. Then it was my turn.  SO I went, and it was all good at first, but I guess once I hit the jump I leaned too far forward (this is what Lachlan said) so I was in the air, then the tip of my board caught in the snow, I flipped forward and landed SMACK on my chest/stomach/hip.  As I was falling and the ground was coming towards me, I thought: oh no, don't land directly on your side/ribs, they'll break.  So I twisted a bit to try to land more on my stomach/abs.  Which did happen, just more painfully than I expected.  My left hip also hit the ground pretty hard as well.  SO I got the wind TOTALLY knocked out of me, which sucked.  I managed to get up after a minute and at least get off to the side, hunched over, with lachlan.  I Took a little breather and went on with snowboarding my usual way haha.  NOW I have a huuuge black bruise on my left hip bone (where it sticks out in the front) and bruises on the front of my rib cage, mostly on the left side but also the middle, and standing up / sitting down is painful and uncomfortable.  Also, it is verypainful whenever I laugh, bend over, cough or sneeze (too bad I also have a cold!).  Luckily, nothing is broken haha.  But the bruises and pain willl last a while :S.  So anyways, moral of the story is: start small! or, if you are one of those go-getters.. wear safety padding :) (I DID have a helmet, of course).
Oh hey good thing, Lachlan was the only one who saw the embarrassment haha, except for maybe some people on the chairlift, if they happened to be looking over at the terrain park curiously (quite likely).

Well that's my snowboarding story. probably last one for the year. because I am leaving for a 2 week trip to Spain in a couple days, then when I get home, searchmont will likely be closed for the season.  I would be excited for next year's snowboarding season, but I'm going to be in college at Fanshawe, which is in London Ontario, no real ski hills around there :(  Whatever, at least I'll have christmas and reading week!

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